A mixture of weightlifting, gymnastics, cardiovascular training and kettlebell training. This varies daily, all being performed at high intensity and measurable over time. This allows you to measure and track your progress and see your progression.
Primarily you need clothing and footwear that you are comfortable to train in. Alongside this you will need a water bottle and most importantly, a can do attitude.
A CrossFit Box isn’t like any ordinary gym you have been to before, upon arrival you aren’t greeted by masses of machines to target invdividual muscle groups. What you will find is a coach with a vast amount of experience and knowledge, accompanied by top-of-the-range Bars, Weights, Kettlebells and other equipment proven to help get you the fittest you have ever been.
CrossFit is designed to be scalable. This means that the session, workout or a single exercise can be adapted and adjusted to make it appropriate for you. All you need to do is discuss this with the coach and he/she will help you do this.
Each session is designed to last roughly an hour. This includes a warm-up, a strength/skill and then a WOD. All this is followed by a cool down, to kick start your recovery for the next session.
At CrossFit Sempiternal, you are paying for a coach, the training program and the top quality equipment which will always be replaced if broken. On top of this you are surrounded by like minded individuals who want you to succeed. The community spirit is priceless.
Yes, we encourage this! CrossFit increases strength, stamina, endurance, power, flexibility, speed, agility, balance, accuracy and co-ordination. All of which would benefit any sport.
At CrossFit Sempiternal we do not train for aesthetic looks. We would rather focus on what your body can do and achieve.
Meat, vegetables, nuts and seeds. Some fruit, a little starch and no sugar. Occasionally a slice of cake!
No, anybody and everyone can begin CrossFit. We have 3 basic fundamental classes to prepare you for attending the CrossFit classes.
These are the compound movements you will do in every classes. This includes squats, front squats, overhead squats, deadlifts, sumo deadlift high-pull, medicine ball clean, strict press, push press and push jerk.
AMRAP – As many rounds/reps as possible.
WOD – Workout of the Day.
Scaling – Reducing workload to individual needs.
EMOM – Every minute on the minute.
STOH – Shoulder to over head.
GTOH – Ground to over head.
HSPU – Hand stand push-up.
HRPU – Hand release push-up.
RFT – Rounds for time.